Facebook Plans to Squash Grassroots Organizing Efforts

Kathy Copeland Padden
4 min readMar 17, 2019

So, I was traipsing through cyberspace the other day when I happened upon an article outlining new, and drastic, changes coming to the Facebook platform during 2019.

On March 6, Herr Zuck announced that he’s moving Facebook over to a private messaging format, as opposed to the current newsfeed style we know and love(kinda.)WhatsApp and Instagram will be affected as well. The company cites the security breaches Facebook had recently, but they are fooling no-one.

Look, Zuck, we already have umpteen different options if we wish to communicate privately with our friends and family. We don’t need another one. You say that’s what the public wants. We, the public, say you’re full of shit.

The switch you are planning will destroy social media as we know it, and that’s exactly what you want.


Since the 2016 elections, political activists have perfected their social media messaging game. We learned how to reach undecided voters, organize strategy and events, and foster a sense of community that makes us unbeatable in 2020 (assuming the DNC doesn’t pull any slimy fuckery.)

The result has been Bernie Sanders leaving all the other Democratic Party contenders in the dust. This has not gone unnoticed by the uber-wealthy oligarchs who might actually have to pay taxes when Bernie sets up shop in the White House.



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!