No, I Will Not Play Nice. Neither Should You.

Kathy Copeland Padden
4 min readAug 12, 2019

As always, I’ll get straight to the meat of the matter.

There are some who presume to wave a schoolmarmy finger at the more forthright (yeah, we’ll go with forthright)among us. The slightest deviation from their Kumbaya caring circle code of conduct, and you’ll be sternly admonished to “be more like Bernie.”

Ah, no. I will be like Kathy, who has no problem hitting neo-liberals with the reality stick, repeatedly if necessary. Because I’m me, not Bernie, who’s interactional style is considerably different than my own. I understand Bernie’s reasoning and even respect his capacity for restraint. He’s a better person than I am in that regard.

But this deifying of Bernie Sanders by some of his supporters is fucking ridiculous. Deifying anyone is fucking ridiculous. I didn’t support Hillary when he encouraged us to. Bernie had no choice per his agreement with the DNC. I, on the other hand, did have a choice and took my vote over to “Green”-er pastures, as was, and still is, my prerogative. If you need a Daddy that’s on you. But some of us are perfectly capable of examining the information and choosing our own path.

As far as my vitriol hurting Bernie — puleeze. If anything hurts Bernie, it’s the mealymouthed, milquetoast wimpiness of some of his supporters who insist we mustn't upset or insult…



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!