No One Wants to Work Anymore

The lament of the robber barons

Kathy Copeland Padden
3 min readMay 11, 2021
Must be willing to work for bupkis Photo by vectorstock

You know, I’m loving this “no one wants to work anymore” narrative created by end-stage capitalism enthusiasts. The truth is, “no one wants to pay a decent wage” is a far more accurate assessment of the situation. Capitalists blaming workers who refuse to work for starvation wages is the height of victim-blaming hubris.

Hey robber barons — maybe if you paid more than a pittance and offered decent benefits, you could attract potential employees. And most likely decrease your turnover rate to boot. You should also ask yourself why people prefer to scrape by on unemployment rather than slave for your bitch ass.

And cutting unemployment benefits is as futile as it is asshole-ish. You can’t starve people into working for you. The working poor are used to getting by on very little. Bullying people will get you the exact opposite result you’re hoping for. No one owes you their labor. If you want a dependable team, you best up your game.

This is all on you.

It’s not that “no one wants to work.” It’s that no one wants to work for you. There's a big difference. So get your shit together business owners, both large and small. The American people aren’t obliged to make you a nice living while being grateful for the privilege.



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!