Silence of the Sheep

Can we keep this free speech thing? It’s rather important.

Kathy Copeland Padden
3 min readJan 31, 2022
Really horrible doodle by Kathy Copeland Padden

There’s been an alarming increase in censorship demands lately. Most noticeably on the internet, or maybe I just notice it more on the internet because I live here, sadly. This ominous trend should be deeply disturbing to all Americans, regardless of their party affiliation. But unbelievably enough, many Americans are not bothered at-fucking-all. In fact, they are cheering it on, welcoming tyranny with open arms because of their closed minds.

We’re great. Just ask us. Everyone else is a dangerous idiot.”

What a dumb way to run a society, What an absurd thought process. It also foreshadows the beginning of the end. Once you give up your power, no matter how “noble” your intent, you’re done. Simple as that.

Cherry-picking who’s deserving of first amendment rights and who isn’t hamstrings guaranteed free speech. If you scoff at this, skip the B.S. and just chuck them in the trash. Picking and choosing who’s “worthy” of free speech based on your personal biases isn’t how any of this works. You may recall this from fourth-grade social studies class.

Challenging the status quo has been demonized under the guise of eliminating “fake news”(Team Red) or “misinformation (Team Blue.”) There’s no real difference between…



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!