Three Things the Faux Left Needs To Accept

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Kathy Copeland Padden
5 min readFeb 3, 2022
Just … stop talking.

There’s a massive disconnect between authoritarians and those who prefer to preserve what little freedoms they have left.

The former believe they are intellectually superior for enthusiastically surrendering their human rights to a corrupt, crumbling government, and the latter who know these clowns are a few crayons short of a box.

Since the latter are branded as plague rats and conspiracy theorists by the former, it’s hardly worth arguing with them. So I’ll just leave this here so they can read, foam at the mouth, and verbally abuse me. It’ll be fun.

Let’s begin.

I don’t care about your vax status, and mine is none of your business.

Here’s a little factoid the vax mandate enthusiasts conveniently disregard: most people passing on the COVID vaccine aren’t anti-vax. They’ve had their immunizations. Their kids have had their immunizations.

What they do take issue with is a mandate for experimental vaccines whose manufacturers waive all liability in case of damages or death. Long-term effects are not yet understood or even known. The drug companies won’t release their data for 75 YEARS.

These points are non-debatable facts. If you choose to gloss over this, that’s your…



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!