Top Things That Shocked Me About Growing Older
Women can never get a break, I swear
Obviously, we all know that someday, if we’re lucky enough, we will grow old and get wrinkly, frail, and quite possibly crabby.
It’s an irrefutable inevitability following us through life that doesn’t really begin to seem real until it’s actually happening to you.
I mean, I worked in geriatric long-term care facilities. Since I was 17 years old. I was very familiar with the aging process and its affect on both the body and mind.
I thought I was better prepared for the inevitable downside than most, but that’s only minimally true.
Rather disconcerting, I’ve found. Here are just a smattering of the joyous surprises Mother Nature has in store for you, just in case you’re not decrepit enough to have lived experience of it yet.
So consider yourself warned. And a warning is a lot more than we (Gen X) ever got. Not only did we not have a warning, we had no inkling at all in many cases.
What’s with this fecking facial fur?