Vote Blue No Matter Who? No Can Do.

Kathy Copeland Padden
4 min readJul 27, 2018
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When neo-lib Dems insist you vote Blue, they never once mention what their Party will do to help the average American get through these dismal and dangerous times. It would seem it’s not considered necessary to explain themselves to mere serfs. They demand your fealty, but offer nothing in return but endless variations of the phrase “Do you want TRUMP to win?”

Someone needs to break it to the DNC that “We’re Not That Guy” is NOT an acceptable party platform. Not to anyone who isn’t blindly partisan anyway.

Most voters in this country identify as Independents now. To win our votes, you will have to — gasp — earn them. The days of lesser-evilism are over. After 2016, the American People are a lot less willing to pledge blind loyalty to the Democratic Party.

After all, although accusing Russia of “election tampering” to deflect from getting busted primary rigging is a hugely ballsy move, almost admirable in its looney gutsy-ness, it’s not one appreciated by millions of disgruntled voters expected to “forgive and forget” when they are given no motivation to do so.

But you could still redeem yourself DNC. There’s much to be gained from gracefully accepting the inevitable while capitalizing on your new influx of…



Kathy Copeland Padden

is a music fanatic, classic film aficionado, and history buff surfing the End Times wave like a boss. Come along!